Troubleshooting guide for Course Leaf Section Scheduler (CLSS)

FAQ: Sections:

  • How Do I Create A Section?


  1. From the Instance (dashboard with semester list) page, click on appropriate semester​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  2. Double-click your scheduling unit (department)
  3. Double-click the course where you’d like to add the section.
    • If the course you wish to create a section for does not appear, click the Courses with no sections check box under the red toolbar.
    • If course still does not appear, email to have the course/section added to Colleague.
  4. Click the green “plus sign” at the far right of the row.
  5. Complete fields and click Save Section.


  • How do I exit a section that has no changes?


  1.  If you click on a section to make sure all the details are correct BUT there are NO changes needed, either X out or click the Cancel button.


  • I need to create a section, but I don’t see the course on my list. How do I create the new section?


  1.  Select the Show courses with no sections check box under the red toolbar.
    • If the Course is still not listed, Contact the Registrar’s Office at to create the section in Colleague. That course and section will then show in CLSS the next day after it is uploaded from Colleague.


  • How do I change or remove an instructor from a section?


  1.  In the desired section, click the pencil icon in the Instructor box
  2. Select new instructor from dropdown list (use Faculty, General if no instructor assigned)
  3. If the instructor isn’t on drop down list of my instructors
    • Scroll to the bottom of the instructor list and click on Other...
    • Begin typing name and a drop down should appear to select the name.
      • If the person is still not on the list, the processing in HR is not complete. Contact them for status
      • If the person is well established as an instructor, still reach out to HR for assistance


  • How do I know my section is updated in Colleague once I’ve submitted sent a change through workflow?


  1. ​​​​​​​The editable fields in the section are grayed out until workflow completed​​​​​​​


  • How do I designate an over-enrolled section?


  1.  If you and your Dean have decided a section can be over-enrolled for enrollment management, type OVERENROLLED in the Internal Comment.
  2. Change the cap to what you would like it to be and send it through the workflow​​​​​​​
    1. NOTE: Remember a class cannot over-enroll beyond the capacity of the room.​​​​​​​


FAQ: Meeting Patterns: 

  • How do I check room assignment for sections with multiple meeting patterns?​​​​​​​


  1.  Click the schedule link (meeting day/time)
  2.  Click Meetings button in bottom left corner of your screen
  3. You will see 2 or more rows showing the meeting pattern and room assignment


  • How do I create a second meeting pattern for a Hyflex class?


  1. ​​​​​​​See steps for checking room assignments for multiple meeting patterns above​​​​​​​
  2. Click green plus icon
  3. Select REM-REM
    • NOTE: Scheduling rules do not allow you to select ONL-ONL on a Hyflex section​​​​​​​
    • NOTE: ONL is needed in Internal Comments
  4. Click "Accept"
  5. Click "Accept" again on calendar screen
  6. Rooms should now say “Multiple Rooms”


  • How do I change days/times on a non-standard meeting pattern?


  1. ​​​​​​​In the section to be updated, click the blue meeting days of week/meeting times link under Schedule​​​​​​​
  2. Click the black "Meetings" button in the lower left of the screen
  3.  Click the Patterns drop-down below the red title bar
  4. Type in the new meeting pattern in this format:
    1. MW 10am-11:15am
  5. Click "Add"
  6. New meeting pattern should appear
  7. Click "Accept"
  8. Click "Save Section"


FAQ; Schedules:

  • How do I export my department schedule to Excel?


  1. ​​​​​​​If you are on your department page, look to the red toolbar and select Export.​​​​​​​
  2. You will have the option to download in Excel.
  3. Select fields you’d like in the report.
  4. Click green Generate button.


  • How do I sort my schedule by Instructor?


  • ​​​​​​​There are two ways to do this:​​​​​​​
    • Option 1: If the person only teaches in your department:
      1. Look to the top of the page at the red toolbar and select "View by"
      2. You will see Instructor as an option to select.​​​​​​​
    •  Option 2: If the person teaches in more than one department:
      1. Go back to the overall landing page for the semester (where you select department).
      2. Select Filter from the red toolbar at the top of the page.
      3. Click on Instructor and Type in name and Apply.


  • What are the descriptions of the different phases of schedule development (abbreviated summary with links to the long form)?


  1. ​​​​​​​Design Mode/Plan Phase​​​​​​​
    • Initial review of schedule. Updates made to schedule (faculty assignment, meeting pattern, etc and saved.
  2. Design Mode/Validation Phase
    • Once initial updates are made to schedule in CLSS, Department Chair reviews changes to schedule before starting workflow for Dean review
  3. Refine Mode/Plan Phase
    • After validation, further refinement of sections is completed and changed course sections are sent to the Deans on a one-by-one basis.
  4. Refine Mode/Room Assignment Phase
    • All changes to schedule are paused so 25Live Optimizer can run room assignments and assignments reviewed by Instruction/Registrar’s Office
  5. Refine Mode/Review Phase
    • Fine tuning the class schedule. Most changes should have been made by this time.
  6. Refine Mode/Publish Phase
    • Course schedule is published. Minimal changes are allowed during this time to ensure student schedules are not affected.
  7. Refine Mode/Archive Phase
    • Semester is well underway. No changes to the schedule can be made at this point.


  • FAQ: Validation, Canceling a Course, CWI101 Short Title:


  • ​​​​​​​  What does the validation process entail?​​​​​​​


  1. ​​​​​​​ Once all initial changes to the schedule have been entered, click Validate in the red toolbar in the upper right of the screen​​​​​​​
  2.  ​​​​​​Process runs to find any rules that have been broken
  3.  Red warnings are stops. Error must be fixed before validation can complete
    • Click blue arrow icon in error message to see sections that broke the rule and fix those sections
  4.  Yellow and blue warnings do not stop validation but should be revisited to ensure the data entered is what you want and any justification added to internal comments
  5.  Once all corrections are made, if any, rerun validation.
  6.  Validation is not complete until you click the blue Start Workflow button after all data checks are completed.


  • How do I cancel a course?


  1. ​​​​​​​In the course section you wish to cancel, select "Cancelled" in the Status field​​​​​​​
  2. Add Internal Comment stating justification for cancellation once registration has begun
  3. Click "Save"Section"
    • NOTE:  You can recall your changes before it gets to the Registrar’s workflow step by contacting Project Manager for Instruction to have the section change rolled back.
  • How do I add a new CWI 101 Short Title?


  1. ​​​​​​​From the course list page in CLSS, double-click CWI 101​​​​​​​
  2. Click green plus sign to add a new section
  3. Click in the "Short Title" field and scroll to bottom of drop-down list and select "Other"
  4. Enter the new title beginning with CWI:
  5. Click "OK"
  6. Complete the remanding fields
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Article ID: 111
Fri 5/19/23 2:19 PM
Mon 5/22/23 11:04 AM