Everyone - Accessing Email from Home Using a Web Browser


This instructs an individual on what steps to take when trying to access their school or work affiliated email while at home



1.      Open a browser window (use Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer/Edge BUT not Safari) and in the web address box; enter: mail.cwi.edu.

    2. Next, a Microsoft page will open that will ask you to enter in your email (see screenshot below). You will enter in your school affiliated email. If you are a student, it will be your first and last name, exactly like your username, with no spaces or capital letters, continuing with “@my.cwi.edu”. If you are an employee you will follow the same steps, however at the end of your username you will attach “@cwi.edu”, (Example: JohnSmith@cwi.edu).

3.  An authentication window should pop up (see below and note that the window may look differently for you depending on the browser used). Here, you will need to enter your complete school email address again and password. These credentials are the same as you use to access Blackboard and MyCWI.

4. Once you have successfully entered your information into the authentication box, you will be taken to your Microsoft app page.

5. You should see a row (or column) of different icons at the top (or left side) of the page. You will select "Outlook", which will take you to your main email page.



Article ID: 74
Wed 5/17/23 7:06 PM
Tue 10/29/24 3:47 PM